Tuesday, June 23, 2009

That Video We Made for Nappy Roots...

A few months back when we were still working under the name "Finite Studios", we were approached by Jon Hay who represents multi-platinum hip hop group Nappy Roots. We ended up shooting a promo video covering their Humdinger album release show at Ear-X-Tacy in Louisville and an on-air spot on Louisville's WGZB B96.5 afterwards. We did a two camera setup for the performance, one on a floating tripod on a raised stairwell and one handheld. We also had Lindsey manning a Canon D5 Rebel there for stills, some of which appear in the video. All the guys in the group were really cool and easy going, and while it was a loooong day with a pretty rough shoot, we had a lot of fun. Check out the album, it's pretty good. You can watch the video below.

Nappy Roots - "The Humdinger" Promo from Douglas Dillingham on Vimeo.

Nappy Roots Official Site

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