Thursday, April 14, 2011

So Far, So Good

College has been great so far! I haven't had much trouble getting into the swing of things and I'm doing fairly well with my grades this first semester. I'm coming up on the end of this term and between meetings with advisors, job interviews, and projects for finals, I've been extremely busy. I don't have any serious video projects on the immediate horizon, which is good since it means I get to work on whatever I choose!

Speaking of class projects, here's a blog that I contributed to for a group assignment for my Intro to Telecommunication & Film class:

American Adaptations of British TV Shows

I did the graphic design and layout and have contributed one post so far. I'm working on editing together a video for our group presentation, which is Monday the 18th. I've had a lot of fun with the title sequence so far, finding humorous ways to visually illustrate the "Americanization" of overt English national stereotypes. I'll post it up here when I finish it in a few days.

As a final note, I'm considering taking on a double major with the second being in music, possibly composition. I'm still looking into the particulars of it, but so far I'm thinking I'm going to go through with it...

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